
Palm Beach County

Housing Finance Authority



9:00 A.M.

Palm Beach County Robert Weisman Governmental Center

301 N. Olive Avenue

12TH Floor (McEaddy) Conference Room

West Palm Beach, FL





Agenda – November 18, 2016 regular meeting

Executive Director - Report on board action items

Agenda attachments: TAB

Consent ______________________________________________ 1

Old Business __________________________________________ 2

New Business __________________________________________ 3

Other Matters _________________________________________ 4

Tab 1

IV. Consent Items - attachments

  1. Minutes of September 9, 2016 regular meeting

  2. General Fund Requisition #9-2016 and #10-2016

  3. MF occupancy report for August and September 2016

  4. Yearend FY 2015/2016 general fund report

Tab 2

V. Old Business - attachments

  1. Approve accountant’s revised engagement letter

  2. Lake Delray apartments

    1. Accept and file Credit Underwriting Report

    2. Approve Resolution No. R-2016-05

  3. New South Bay Villas – consider guidelines waiver request

  4. Authorize conversion of bond allocation to MF carryforward

  5. Consider optional redemption of Sub-Series 2006-01

Tab 3

VI. New Business - attachments

  1. Consider Master Line of Credit Agreement with the West Palm Beach Housing Authority

    1. Loan request and application

    2. Resolution No. R-2016-06

  2. Multi-family bond issues

    1. Accounting and auditing policy considerations

    2. Review of Issuer Fee structure

    3. Approve general counsel Clarification Memorandum

  3. Authorization for future housing conference attendance

  4. Approve 2017 meeting schedule

Tab 4

VII. Other Matters - attachments

  1. Matters of Executive Director memo.